
Here are just a few clients we’ve helped

R. Pullin


I wish to express my appreciation for the first class way you supplied the Ultra Book which has all the features and performance I specified plus the excellent additions you suggested.

I had spent hours scouring online and visiting the well-known retail suppliers, pouring over specifications, none of which were giving me all the spec I required.Just thirty minutes spent with you and all my needs were met plus your price was certainly competitive. One last comment – thanks also for your instant online service sorting out the problems I was struggling with when I was in the USA.

R. Pullin Home Customer, Backwell

Neil Jenkin MARLA


Jeremy and PC Dial have looked after our computers for the past seven or eight years. They were the first people who were able solve problems between software, network and hardware providers, by being more knowledgeable than those people and getting to the route of any problems. We would not want to be without the support that PC Dial provide us on a daily basis and can happily and enthusiastically recommend Jeremy and his team to anyone.

Tony Atkins


PC Dial currently look after all our IT systems. They are very quick to respond to any problems and i find their advice clear and honest. I have been dealing with Jeremy for nearly 15 years and would highly recommend his company to anyone.

G. Iles


The PC Dial team is great, always cheerful and helpful – they can fix it every time!

G. Iles Home Customer, Backwell

Piers Blakeney-Edwards


It is with great pleasure that I can write a testimonial with regard to my experience with having worked with PC Dial for several years

Compton House of Fashion Ltd is the Leading Retailer in Southern England for Special Occasion Wear, especially Mother of the Bride Dresses Wedding Hats & Fascinators

We have needed EPOS tills and associated computers for many years and PC Dial have provided the hardware and backup for much of this time. I cannot speak too highly of their reliability, competence, honesty and easy communication They have given advice about computer use and so much more, helping us through many a difficult situation

I can suggest no way in which this service to us could be improved.

Alan Danavell


I just wanted to send a note to say that I am continually impressed by the excellent service that P.C. Dial provides. The numerous times I have requested support from P.C.Dial it has been fast and efficient.

It makes a pleasant change to deal with a company that takes pride in providing a first class service. I have no problems at all recommending your company. Keep up the good work and thanks for all your help so far.

Alan Danavell Sable Property Rental